
When the tortured silence

Is heard again,

After the bombast

Of man’s mechanised dream

Lies dumb – rusting, rotting –

Blown about

In the devil-dust wind

Only the rhythmic hum

Of the struggling organism

Will still be making music –

Ravaged, faltering notes

Striving for harmonies.

Then wounded, traumatised man

Will curse his ancestors,

Outlaw any hint of lost, Atlantian power,

Worship every uncertain element

Displayed by nature,

Project his every fear

Onto all that sings of something higher,

Deeper, transcendent, omnipresent –

Until the weeping, dribbling spring

Begins to rise again

Cleansing the toxins

From land and mind.

Then earth, fire, air and water

Flora and fauna

Will reach out again in friendship

Bidding the survivors

To join the healing dance,

Lead them again

In concert.