Are you a point
Or are you a wave?
Is your brain mere machine
Running down to a grave?
Is your dogma deduction
From what you can see
From the side of the dance floor
Where movement flows free?
Your body is dancing,
But the brain in your head,
That fearful observer
That disdains to be wed
To the Lord of the Timeless,
The Composer of all –
Only filters the music
Afraid of the call.
You believe in a Bang
That produced a rich slime
From which can be traced
In linear time
From simple to complex,
From matter to life,
Love, truth and beauty
The dove and the knife.
So you thump the 3 notes
Of our physical sphere
Proudly proclaiming
‘This is all I can hear;
And if its all I can hear
And all I can see
Then its plain I’ve discovered
The only true key
To explain where life came from
And how it evolved –
There is no song in matter,
The problem is solved’.
But damn it Prof Dawkins
Get behind Newton’s laws
Think Einstein and Heisenburg
Pauli and Bohr’s.
Jeremy Bell 26th June 2011