“And yet I deem that there are powers
Which of themselves our minds impress
That we can feed this mind of ours
In a wise passiveness.” Wordsworth

The religious tend to cling to the apparent solidity of our three dimensional, physical world, despite proclaiming fervently that it was created ex-nihilo, into time by a creator who is timeless.
The atheist clings to the apparent solidity of our three dimensional world, believing fervently that this is all there is, and that it evolved in time from random simplicity to complex order, until consciousness appeared leaving man in charge of his own destiny.

Yet under an electron microscope, the apparent solidity of our three dimensional universe dissolves – and what seems solid reveals itself to be a timeless dance of waves of interference patterns vibrating on different frequencies in inter-reacting dimensions.

In contemporary, techno- dominant societies we have divorced ourselves from this underlying timeless and transcending reality; we cling to what is solid and sensible, believing we can discover it’s secrets by studying it objectively. In so doing, we are like timid invitees to a great dance, sitting at the side, watching the intricate, unfolding movements on the dance floor, whilst seeking to photograph a single frame of a moment’s movement – and then trying to create a crude, mechanistic imitation of it.
We ignore our own deepest scientific and mystical insights, namely that, though we sit at the side of the dance floor watching, that very timeless, vibrating light energy holds our own physical bodies together. We are not separate entities – disembodied fixed points. We are made up of waves of energy expressed in three dimensions. .

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